By TS Taylor

Life-Changing Devotionals: The Love and Mercy of God as Seen in Jonah, Job, and Joseph

Christian Living

This is a daily devotional book that walks the reader through three different stories in the Bible: Jonah, Job, and Joseph. Each devotional uses the Scripture to bring out one idea, and each ends with a thought-provoking question for the reader. This devotional book will familiarize you with parts of the Old Testament with which you may not be very familiar, and it will challenge you on issues such as suffering, justice, and the character of God.


Tom Taylor

Tom Taylor is a student of life and the Scriptures. He holds a BS and MS in Physics. This helps him see the big picture which is an important part of understanding God and His world.

He has been teaching the Scriptures most of his life from third-graders, to high school students to adults. He found that teaching young children is one of the best ways to learn how to take complex Biblical ideas and explain them so that they can be understood by any one.

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